Release Notes

July 2024

New Data

SPAC Team Dashboard and League Table

  • Allows users to compare/contrast the performance and past experience of SPAC Team members (CEO, Chairman, CFO, Additional Executive Management, and Directors):
  • New Data

    Additional preset added to Custom Table: SPAC Team

  • To add a column to your table, use the column modify button in the top right of all tables.
  • CFO: The chief financial officer of the SPAC
  • Directors: The directors for the SPAC team
  • Additional Executive Management: Any additional members of the SPAC's executive management team besides the CEO, Chairman, and CFO
  • June 2024

    New Data

    Additional data fields added to Custom Table

  • To add a column to your table, use the column modify button in the top right of all tables.
  • Initial Proxy Date: The first filing of the combination proxy after the announcement date. Typically filed as an S-4 or F-4
  • First Amendment Date: The first amended combination proxy filing filed after the initial proxy filing. Typically filed as an S-4/A or F-4/A
  • Last Proxy Date: The last combination proxy filed ahead of a combination closing vote
  • Total Amendments: The total count of all amended proxies filed for a SPAC combination. This does not include the initial proxy filing, only the amended versions
  • March 2024


    Additional Presets added to Custom Table

  • To see the new presets, navigate to SPAC Performance under the 'Data' menu icon. The new presets are listed below
  • New Data

    Additional Data Field added to Custom Table

  • To add a column to your table, use the column modify button in the top right of all tables.
  • % Return on Implied NAV: % Return relative to the Net-Asset-Value (NAV) of the share (estimated cash-in-trust-value)
  • New Data

    Additional Action Type, Warrant Tender Offer, added to Corporate Actions

  • To see the new preset, navigate to Corporate Actions under the 'Data' menu icon. New columns are listed below
  • Tender Offer Announcement Date: The date the tender offer was announced by filing or press release
  • Tender Offer Expiration Date: The date at which the tender offer expires or expired
  • Warrant Cash Offer Price: The offer price for the warrants purchased in the tender offer
  • Additional Consideration: Any additional consideration included in the tender offer
  • New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to Custom Table

  • To add a column to your table, use the column modify button in the top right of all tables.
  • Closing Vote Proxy EFFECT Date: The date the shareholder completion vote proxy went effective
  • Closing Vote Proxy EFFECT Link: Link to the respective filing
  • Resale Registration Statement EFFECT Date: The date at which the resale registration statement, which is filed post combination close, went effective
  • Resale Registration Statement EFFECT Link: Link to the respective filing
  • February 2024


    Modified Calendar Popover

  • When hovering over a date with events on the Calendar Page, the popover has been updated to dynamically expand in various directions, ensuring it never gets cut off by the screen's edge. This improvement enhances the usability of the Calendar Page and prevents any inconvenient overflow issues.
  • January 2024


    Reorganized Table Footnotes

  • Table footnotes are now displayed in a filterable, table format. Find them under 'Footnotes' in the 'Data' dropdown, or in the description of relevant tables
  • Contributions to Trust: shows the contributions from sponsors to trust accounts at each extension. Note: SPACs with more than 1 extension will have multiple entries. The table defaults to the most recent, but you can sort by SPAC name to group the contributions.
  • Stock Split: details all De-SPACs that have undergone a stock-split or reverse stock-split
  • Subsequent Acquisition: highlights all De-SPACs that have subsequently been acquired by either a private or public company. Note the 'Action Status' to see if the acquisition is still pending or approved
  • New Data

    Additional Action Types added to Corporate Actions

  • To see the new presets, navigate to Corporate Actions under the 'Data' menu icon.
  • Auto Extension: additional action type added to the Extension Vote category.
  • Stock Split: additional action type for SPACs performing a stock split on its share.
  • Subsequent Acquisition: additional action type for completed SPACs that are acquired by another company.
  • August 2023


    Redesigned Homepage and Navigation

  • We're thrilled to announce the launch of our newly redesigned homepage! Focused on enhancing your browsing experience, the fresh layout brings you a more intuitive navigation, faster access to the content you love, and a modern, visually appealing design.
  • Feature

    New SPAC History Table

  • Added a new data table to allow users to track SPAC Universe data chronologically through time
  • You can select a data 'as of' date as far back as July 30th, 2022.
  • June 2023

    New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to Custom Table

  • To add a column to your table, use the column modify button in the top right of all tables.
  • Stock Split Text: Description of the stock split(s) that have ocurred. (e.g. '1-for-20')
  • DeSPAC Share Price (Split Adjusted): Close price of the de-SPAC share adjusted against stock splits.
  • % Return on DeSPAC Share: The return based on the current split adjusted de-SPAC share price compared to the initial IPO price
  • Feature

    New Corporate Actions Table

  • Added a new data table to allow users to track SPAC Corporate Actions chronologically through time
  • Corporate Actions are split into categories: 'Extension Vote', 'Completion Vote', 'Record Date', 'Tender Offer', 'Tender Offer to Complete', 'Liquidation', 'Early Liquidation Vote', and 'Other Actions'
  • All actions have a status depending on the action's 'success': 'Approved', 'Pending', 'Postponed', 'Adjourned', or 'Canceled'
  • Improvement

    New security specific 13F Investor League Table and the 13F Investor Dashboard data

  • Investor holdings are now broken into 6 categories:
  • SPAC Units, SPAC Shares, SPAC Warrants, SPAC Rights, DeSPAC Shares, and DeSPAC Warrants
  • May 2023

    New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to the Other Funding Preset

  • To view the preset click on it in the Funding Table dropdown. Additionally you can add the new columns to your own presets using the column modify button.
  • 2nd Other Funding Type: Any other type of funding agreement, if there is more than one type, used in a SPAC combination - ex. Standby Equity Agreement, Senior Secured Term Loan, etc.
  • 2nd Other Funding Size: The size ($) of the second type (if applicable) of 'other funding'.
  • 2nd Other Funding Note: Any notes or additional description of the second type (if applicable) of 'other funding'.
  • 2nd Other Funding Link: The link to the document listing the details of the second type (if applicable) of 'other funding'.
  • New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to the Convertible Note Preset

  • To view the preset click on it in the Funding Table dropdown. Additionally you can add the new columns to your own presets using the column modify button.
  • PIK / OID Option: Does the Convertible Note mention that investors can be Paid-In-Kind (PIK) or Original Issue Discount (OID).
  • Conversion Premium / Discount: The conversion price for the share in the note.
  • New Data

    New Warrant Calls/Exchanges Preset

  • To view the new preset click on it in the Custom Table dropdown. Additionally you can add the new columns to your own presets using the column modify button.
  • Warrant Redemption Type: Whether the redemption will be a cash exercise of the warrants, cashless exercise, the option for either cash or cashless exercise, or an exchange for shares.
  • Warrant Exchange Offer Status: If the warrants are subject to a warrant exchange offer, this field will be either 'Pending' or 'Complete'.
  • Exercise Price: The price at which warrant holders must exercise their warrants either by cash or cashless exercise.
  • Amended Exercise Price: If the original warrant exercise price has been amended post IPO.
  • Public Warrants Issued at IPO: Based on the public units issued at IPO, this is the equivalent number of public warrants issued (based on IPO size).
  • At-Risk Sponsor Warrants Purchased at IPO: Sponsor private placement warrants outstanding.
  • Exchange Ratio (shares): The exchange ratio (shares) holders may receive for their warrants (where the warrants are subject to a warrant exchange offer).
  • Warrant Cash Payment: Cash paid to warrant holders where the warrants are subject to a warrant exchange offer.
  • Warrant Consideration (Warrants): The portion of warrants (per warrant) each warrant holder gets to keep as part of the consideration being offered for the warrant exchange offer.
  • Initial Resale S1 Filing Link: Link to initial registration filing for newly combined company.
  • Warrant Last Trade Date: Last day of trading for warrant that is subject to a warrant exchange offer.
  • Warrant Redemption Ann Link: Link to warrant exchange offer announcement.
  • New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to Custom Table

  • To add a column to your table, use the column modify button in the top right of all tables.
  • Target Display Name: The name of the SPAC's Target Company without standardization formatting.
  • Original Completion Deadline Date: The original completion deadline date set for the SPAC at IPO.
  • April 2023

    New Data

    Added projection data for 2023-2026 to the Revenue and EBITDA Projections Presets

  • Projected Revenue 2023-2026, Actual Revenue 2023-2026, and % Above/Below Projections 2023-2026
  • Additional years can be found in the 'Show/Hide Columns' tool and added to any preset
  • March 2023


    New Archive Page

  • Added new archive page at /archive/[year]/[month] to easily access articles from a specific month and year
  • Improvement

    Historical Data added to the 13F Investor League Table and the 13F Investor Dashboard

  • Users can now select a Filing Quarter using the filter bar in order to see investments filed in that quarter
  • Filing Quarters range from 2014Q1 to present
  • Note: Selecting more than one Filing Quarter can lead to double-counted values in columns and aggregations
  • February 2023


    Calculated table aggregates now available when using the search box

  • Calculators at the bottom of all tables have now been optimized to calculate averages, medians, min, max, sum, etc, based on a keyword in the search field (found in the upper left of the table). This is in addition to the calculator function that currently exists and is based on filters.

    Click on the "calc" button at the bottom of a column within a table to see calculated fields.
  • New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to the Vote Redemptions Preset

  • Ext Vote 1-5 Date: The date of the respective extension vote. For convenience, this column is linked to the extension proxy document.
  • Ext Vote 1-5 Rdmpt Price: The redemption price at the respective vote.
  • New Data

    Additional Data Field added to the Vote Redemptions Preset

  • Completion Vote Redemptions: The number of shares redeemed at the completion vote.
  • January 2023


    Added Private Placement League Table

  • The Private Placement League Table can be found in the League Table dropdown.
  • Private Placement funding is broken down into Total, PIPE, Convertible Note, and Convertible Preferred. Use the filter or the preset to choose between the three.
  • New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to the Implied Yield to Maturity (YTM) Preset

  • Maximum Deadline Date: Assumes all extensions have been taken, regardless if the SPAC is extending one month at a time. (Ex. have extended 2 months out of a possible 6 months)
  • Maximum Deadline Implied Cash Per Share: Uses the 'Maximum Deadline Date'
  • YTM Maximum Date: calculates YTM using the 'Maximum Deadline Date' and 'Maximum Deadline Implied Cash per Share'
  • New Data

    Additional Data Field and filter added to the Vote Redemptions Preset and Custom Table

  • Special Status (Acquired, Bankrupt, Delisted, Pending Acquisition, or Reorganization)
  • You can find the field in the Show/Hide Column selector tool by typing 'Special Status' in the search field
  • Feature

    Added SPAC Archive Preset

  • SPAC archive preset can be found in the Custom Table drop-down. This preset mimics the SPAC Archive Table found on the previous version of this website.
  • December 2022


    Added Liquidations Preset

  • Created new preset summarizing liquidation information
  • Added new column "Redemption Value per Share" showing the price at which shares were redeemed at liquidation
  • Feature

    Added release notes

  • ‘Release Notes’ are now available in the user dropdown labeled ‘Release Notes’
  • New Data

    Additional Data Fields added to the Extensions Preset

  • Vote extension time (months)
  • Total time to complete (initial + extensions)
  • Total extension contributions (maximum)
  • Projected EBITDA and actual EBITDA data for 2021 and 2022 added to the Projections preset
  • Separate closing date and liquidation date columns
  • Improvement

    Improved Shareholder Votes Page

  • Added four new columns
  • Type of Proxy/Shareholder Vote
  • Contribution to Trust Pending Vote
  • Current Implied Cash-per-Share
  • Link to relevant proxy
  • Feature

    Added EBITDA Projections Preset

  • Includes Projected EBITDA and Actual EBITDA data for 2021 and 2022 added to the Projections preset
  • November 2022

    New Data

    Additional Data Points added to database

  • Projected and actual revenue for 2022 added to Revenue Projections Preset
  • Warrants in decimal format added to the Universe Preset
  • Transaction costs added to the Universe Preset
  • Feature

    Added Extension Vote Default Preset

  • A new Extensions Preset was added detailing all extensions scheduled (auto extensions) and extensions by shareholder vote
  • Improvement

    New Website Link Transition

  • The newly designed website is now accessible at
  • The old website is still available at If you would like to visit the previous SPACInsider version, go to the dropdown listed under your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen
  • October 2022

    New Data

    Additional Data Points added to database

  • You can add these columns to your preset using the “Show/Hide Columns” tool
  • Pro Forma Equity Value
  • Transaction costs
  • Upcoming and Early Liquidation Proxies, Liquidation Announcement dates
  • Fix

    Excel Download Patch

  • Fixed issue where users were prompted with an error when attempting to download a table to Excel format
  • New Data

    13F Investors

  • Allows users to compare the quarter over quarter investments of investors by SPAC, Investor, Industry, Sub-Industry, etc. 13F investor information is now available in three locations:
  • 13F Investor tab within individual SPAC Profile Pages
  • Feature

    Help Articles (

  • Page based help articles with video and text instructions
  • Improvement

    Newlook (

  • Legacy site will stay at for 1 month, and then subsequently be transitioned to
  • New website interface built on a completely redesigned database located at
  • Legacy site will stay at for 1 month, and then will subsequently be transitioned to
  • Feature

    New Feature added showing the “Events Timeline” within the individual SPAC profile pages

  • Provides a timeline with links to events in the SPAC’s lifecycle from the filing of the DRS statement through the filing of the resale registration statement
  • September 2022


    Funding Table

  • "Added a new Funding Preset to allow users to quickly and easily see the breakdown of funding for each SPAC. Funding is further refined to individual presets for:"
  • New Data

    Additional Data Point added to database

  • Added "Cash Only Trust Accounts" data point
  • July 2022

    New Data

    Additional Data Points added to database

  • Added Current Public SPAC shares (takes into account any shares redeemed at recent shareholder votes)
  • June 2022


    Projections Table

  • Added a Projections table
  • New Data

    Additional Data Points added to database

  • Sponsor
  • PIPE
  • Company Ownership
  • Feature

    New Lock-ups Table

  • Added new table to the database highlighting both Sponsor and Company Lock-ups
  • Feature

    New Earnouts Table

  • Added new table to the database highlighting both Sponsor and Company earnouts
  • May 2022

    Feature Release

  • A new data tool for tracking the Traditional IPO market
  • April 2022

    New Data

    Additional Data Points added to database

  • Added IPO geography, DeSPAC geography, and Domicile fields
  • Sponsor Forfeitures
  • Stock Exchange
  • March 2022


    Downloads for Dashboards (Annual Subscribers)

  • Annual subscribers can now download the data from all dashboards
  • February 2022


    Related Articles on SPAC Profile Page

  • Added a related articles section to the SPAC Profile page to allow for easy access to relevant news on a specific SPAC
  • January 2022


    Terminated Deals Table

  • Added a Terminated Deals table where each terminated deal gets its own row to account for SPACs with multiple terminations
  • Improvement

    Daily Filing Email Redesign

  • Summary of the day’s SEC filing and most recent posts are sent at 7AM and 4PM, Monday through Friday
  • Feature

    Sponsors League Table

  • Added a Serial Sponsor table to allow users to compare and rank sponsors that have completed a minimum of two SPAC combinations
  • December 2021

    New Data

    Additional Data Point added to database

  • SPAC CIKs (unique identifiers)
  • Feature

    SPAC Participant Dashboards

  • Added 5 dashboards showing more information on SPAC deals by participant
  • Underwriter Dashboard
  • PIPE Investor Dashboard
  • Law Firm Dashboard (IPOs)
  • Legal Advisor Dashboard (De-SPACs)
  • New Data

    Additional Data Points added to database

  • Registration Withdrawals “RW” and Abandonments were added as SPAC Statuses in the database